Dream Machine AI

Unleash the Power of AI Video Creation with Dream Machine - The Intuitive Text-to-Video App for Generating Stunning Videos Effortlessly



### **Scene 3: Mia Repairs the Fence** ...

22 hour ago Created By Akshai Kumar S

### **Scene 3: Mia Repairs the Fence** ...

22 hour ago Created By Akshai Kumar S

An elderly woman, Mrs. Thompson, struggles to fix...

22 hour ago Created By Akshai Kumar S

KERRINSKI Glitching in and out of the game...

23 hour ago Created By Rinski2Kool

0-3秒 乌云压顶的东海,巨浪翻涌,雷电划破天际,海底隐约浮现龙形阴影 "天命既定,我偏要逆天而行!"(哪吒画外音) 压抑氛围,镜头俯冲海面 3-6秒 哪吒脚踏风火轮冲破海浪,混天绫如火蛇缠绕全身,眼神桀骜 "东海龙王!今日便做个了断!" 仰角特写,火焰粒子特效 6-10秒 海面炸裂,龙王真身显现,龙爪掀起百米水墙,冰锥如暴雨射向哪吒 "魔丸孽障,永镇深渊!"(龙王怒吼) 广角灾难场景,慢动作冰锥 10-15秒 哪吒挥动火尖枪劈开水幕,混天绫化作螺旋屏障弹开冰锥,火花与水雾迸溅 (金属碰撞声+爆炸音效) 动态分镜,红蓝光效对冲 15-20秒 龙王双目射出闪电,哪吒三头六臂法相全开,乾坤圈与火尖枪交叉格挡 "逆天改命,由我不由天!" 360度环绕镜头,雷电缠绕特效 20-25秒 海底龙宫坍塌,哪吒手持火尖枪贯穿龙鳞,龙王痛吼震碎珊瑚礁群 (环境崩塌音效+龙吟) 碎片飞溅,慢镜头穿刺特写 25-28秒 海天之间红蓝能量对冲爆炸,哪吒在气浪中狂笑,龙王坠入深渊 "我命由我——" 水墨风格爆炸特效 28-30秒 黑屏中闪现电影LOGO,火焰灼烧出「哪吒之魔童降世」片名 "不由天定!"(画外音收尾) 动态书法字体,金属音效

23 hour ago Created By ggm tank

"A stylish woman with long dark hair, tanned...

23 hour ago Created By El ke

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What is Dream Machine AI

        Dream Machine AI, developed by Luma Labs, is an advanced artificial intelligence model designed to generate high-quality, realistic videos quickly from text and images. This highly scalable and efficient transformer model is trained directly on videos, enabling it to produce physically accurate, consistent, and eventful shots.

Dream Machine AI is a significant step towards creating a universal imagination engine, making it accessible to everyone. It can generate 5-second video clips with smooth motion, cinematic quality, and dramatic elements, transforming static snapshots into dynamic stories.

The model understands the interactions between people, animals, and objects within the physical world, allowing for the creation of videos with great character consistency and accurate physics. Additionally, Dream Machine AI supports a wide range of fluid, cinematic, and naturalistic camera motions that match the emotion and content of the scene.

How to use Luma Dream Machine AI

        Generating video with the Luma Dream Machine AI is pretty simple. Simply enter a text description on our website and our AI system will automatically generate the corresponding video for you using Dream Machine AI text-to-video technology.

What are the main features of Dream Machine AI?

         Luma Dream Machine AI, developed by Luma Labs, is a cutting-edge AI model designed to generate high-quality, realistic videos quickly from text and images. This highly scalable and efficient transformer model is trained directly on videos, enabling it to produce physically accurate, consistent, and eventful shots. Dream Machine is capable of generating 5-second video clips with smooth motion, impressive cinematography, and dramatic elements, transforming static snapshots into dynamic stories. The AI understands the interactions between people, animals, and objects within the physical world, allowing for the creation of videos with great character consistency and accurate physics. Additionally, Dream Machine offers a wide range of fluid, cinematic, and naturalistic camera motions that match the emotion and content of the scene, making it a versatile tool for video creation.

Is Luma Dream Machine AI video generation service free?

        Luma Dream Machine AI offers a limited number of free video generation services. You can always visit our website and start creating your video tracks with Dream Machine AI free service.

What types of videos can Dream Machine AI generate?

        Luma Dream Machine AI can generate various types of videos, including those that require realistic smooth motion, cinematography, and drama. It is particularly adept at creating videos that involve complex interactions between characters and objects, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, from storytelling to cinematic productions.

What is the quality of video generated by Dream Machine AI?

        Luma Dream Machine AI supports text input in multiple languages. No matter what language you use, our system understands and generates an appropriate video using the Dream Machine AI text-to-video feature.

How to download video generated by Dream Machine AI?

Once the video is generated, you can download it directly from our website.