"A hyper-realistic cinematic video of a massive apocalyptic scene where colossal tsunamis engulf a city following a meteor impact. The waves are violently surging through a devastated urban landscape, carrying debris, vehicles, and fragments of buildings in their torrent. The sky is dark and ominous, filled with thick storm clouds and fiery streaks from meteor fragments burning up in the atmosphere. Show meteors crashing into the ocean, causing gigantic explosions and shockwaves that push the water higher. Cars float and overturn in the turbulent waters, while street signs and streetlights are bent or submerged. Include intense details like shattered windows, splintered wood, and toppled power lines sparking with electricity. Trees in the background sway violently, some being uprooted by the force of the water. The atmosphere is chaotic, with the deafening roar of waves, the crackling of destruction, and faint, distant screams of panic. Use slow-motion shots of meteors colliding and water surging forward, mixed with real-time destruction, for an immersive and heart-pounding effect. The lighting should highlight the contrast between fiery orange meteor trails and the cold, dark blues of the floodwaters and stormy sky." With Dream Machine AI