Title: The Tragic Tale of Lady Owia Genre: Modern Anime Horror Duration: 10 minutes Themes: Revenge, Betrayal, Forbidden Knowledge Act 1: The Legend Awakens (0:00 - 3:00) Opening Scene: A montage shows eerie scenes of the forest, the decrepit shrine, and missing person posters fluttering in the wind. Voiceovers from locals describe the legend of Lady Owia—a healer betrayed and cursed to haunt the woods. Introduction to Kaori: Kaori, a determined journalist, arrives in Sorei to investigate the legend. She learns from a cryptic old woman about the forest’s dangers and receives a talisman. “If you hear her voice, don’t follow,” the woman warns. Entering the Forest: Kaori ventures into the misty woods despite warnings. The atmosphere grows tense with unnatural whispers and faint, haunting melodies. Act 2: Encounter with Lady Owia (3:00 - 7:00) The Shrine: Kaori discovers the decaying shrine. The offerings hint at desperate attempts to appease Lady Owia. A diary from a previous hiker reveals madness overtaking them after encountering Owia, hinting at her power to manipulate minds. First Appearance of Owia: As Kaori investigates, she hears a ghostly melody. She turns to see Lady Owia, her hollow eyes and flowing black robes radiating an eerie glow. The Truth Unveiled: Owia confronts Kaori with chilling truths about the curse and Kaori’s sister, who vanished after seeking answers in the same forest. Flashbacks reveal the town’s betrayal of Owia after she healed them from a plague. Her rage stems from their injustice, and she claims Kaori's sister’s soul is now bound to her curse. Act 3: Breaking the Curse (7:00 - 10:00) Showdown at the Shrine: Kaori faces Owia at the shrine’s core—a gnarled, pulsating tree. Owia tempts her with the promise of forbidden knowledge but demands Kaori’s life as payment. Kaori’s Choice: Kaori chooses to destroy the shrine, using the talisman to unleash the trapped souls, including her sister’s. The shrine collapses, and Owia vanishes in a storm of shadows, taking Kaori with her. Epilogue: The forest becomes peaceful, the mist clears, and the curse is lifted. The old woman places a talisman at the shrine’s ruins, murmuring, “May you finally rest.” With Dream Machine AI

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