Title: Kaycen Scott: A Star in the Making Scene 1: Introduction – Love for Reading and Theatre Panel 1: Visual: Kaycen, around 12 years old, sits in her room surrounded by books and theatre posters. Her red hair is tied back in a ponytail as she reads a Goosebumps book. Text/Dialogue: (Voiceover) “I’ve always loved stories. Books, plays—anything that could take me to a different world.” Panel 2: Visual: Kaycen’s best friend, Brian Stolle Torres, enters her room, holding a script. Text/Dialogue: Brian: “Kaycen, are you ready? Ms. Holden-Nims is waiting!” Kaycen: “Yeah, let’s go! This is going to be so fun!” Scene 2: Middle School Play Rehearsal Panel 3: Visual: Kaycen stands on the small middle school stage, rehearsing a scene from Goosebumps: The Musical – Phantom of the Auditorium. She wears a simple costume for her role as Brooke Rodgers. Brian stands in the wings, watching and smiling encouragingly. Text/Dialogue: Kaycen (performing): “I want to know who’s behind the mask!” Ms. Holden-Nims (off-screen): “Great work, Kaycen! You’re really getting into character!” Panel 4: Visual: After rehearsal, Kaycen and Brian sit on the edge of the stage, talking. Text/Dialogue: Brian: “You’re going to be amazing on opening night.” Kaycen: “I’m nervous, though. What if I forget my lines?” Brian: “You won’t. You’ve worked so hard for this.” Scene 3: Opening Night Panel 5: Visual: Backstage, Kaycen paces nervously while Brian stands beside her, giving her a pep talk. Text/Dialogue: Brian: “You’ve got this, Kaycen. Remember, you’re Brooke Rodgers! Own that stage!” Kaycen (smiling): “Thanks, Brian. I needed that.” Panel 6: Visual: On stage, Kaycen delivers a powerful performance. The audience is captivated. Brian watches from the front row, cheering silently. Scene 4: Growing Passion Panel 7: Visual: A montage shows Kaycen acting in various plays throughout high school and college, always with Brian supporting her from the audience. Text/Dialogue: (Voiceover) “With every play, I learned something new. And with every play, I felt more sure—this was what I wanted to do.” Scene 5: Award Night Panel 8: Visual: Kaycen, now a successful actress, stands on stage at an awards ceremony, holding a trophy. Brian, now grown up, watches proudly from the audience. Text/Dialogue: Kaycen (emotional): “Thank you to my family, my friends, especially Brian, and to Ms. Holden-Nims, who gave me my first role. This award is for all of you.” Scene 6: Reflection Panel 9: Visual: Kaycen places the award on a shelf next to her first Goosebumps book, a framed photo of her middle school play, and a photo of her and Brian as kids. With Dream Machine AI