"In a cozy, vibrant animated scene in 4K HD, a fluffy white cat with long, luxurious fur and striking blue eyes is the star. The video begins with the cat lounging on a sunny windowsill, gently stretching and gazing out into the world. Suddenly, its blue eyes widen with excitement as it spots a colorful butterfly fluttering by. The curious cat leaps off the windowsill and playfully chases the butterfly through a charming living room filled with vibrant plants and cozy furniture. As it pounces and swats at the butterfly, the room comes to life with the cat’s graceful yet lively antics. The video ends as the butterfly escapes through an open window, and the cat sits back, content and purring, giving the camera one last adorable, blue-eyed glance before curling up for a nap." With Dream Machine AI

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