**INT. SCHOOL GYM - END OF YEAR SEMI-FORMAL - NIGHT** The school gym is transformed into a beautiful dance floor for the end-of-year semi-formal. Colorful lights dance across the walls, and music fills the air. Students are dressed in their best, enjoying the festivities. The doors to the gym open, and Susu walks in wearing a gorgeous blue dress that flows elegantly around her, paired with matching blue heels. Her hair is styled beautifully, and she looks stunning. As she steps inside, heads turn, and whispers of admiration ripple through the crowd. Ender stands near the snack table, Abby clinging to his arm. He looks uncomfortable, shifting awkwardly as Abby holds on tightly. As soon as he spots Susu, his eyes widen, and he can’t take his eyes off her. She looks radiant, and his heart skips a beat. Ender gently frees his arm from Abby’s grip, barely noticing her protests as he makes his way toward Susu. **ENDER** *(softly, in awe)* Susu… you look beautiful. Susu’s heart skips a beat at his words. She feels a warm flutter in her chest but is still clouded by sadness, believing that he’s with Abby. **SUSU** *(sadly, forcing a small smile)* Thank you, Ender. Ender notices the sadness in her eyes and realizes he can’t keep his feelings hidden any longer. He steps closer to her, taking her hand gently in his. **ENDER** Susu, I need to tell you something. I’ve never liked Abby. Not like that. From the moment we met, I’ve only had eyes for you. Susu’s eyes widen in shock, her heart pounding in her chest. She can hardly believe what she’s hearing. **SUSU** Ender, I— Before she can finish, Ender wraps his arms around her and lifts her off the ground, pulling her into a passionate kiss. The world around them seems to stop, and for a moment, it’s just the two of them. The music fades, and all Susu can feel is Ender’s lips on hers, soft and warm. Suddenly, the sound of someone shouting breaks through the moment. Zoey sees them from across the gym, her face contorting with anger. She storms over, grabbing Susu’s arm roughly and yanking her away from Ender. **ZOEY** Come with me! **SUSU** *(struggling)* What are you doing? Let go of me! Zoey drags Susu out of the cafeteria and towards the parking lot, where a teacher’s car is parked. Abby is waiting outside the car, her face a mix of uncertainty and jealousy. **ABBY** Zoey, is this really the only way? Is this how I get Ender back? Susu starts to panic, realizing she’s in serious trouble. She begins to scream for help, her voice echoing in the night. **SUSU** Help! Somebody, please! Zoey opens the car door, trying to shove Susu inside, but Susu desperately pleads. **SUSU** I need to go to the bathroom! Please, I really have to go! Zoey hesitates, then rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed. **ZOEY** Fine, but make it fast! As soon as Zoey releases her grip, Susu takes off sprinting across the parking lot. Zoey’s face twists in rage, and she shouts after her. **ZOEY** I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you! Abby, now panicking, chases after Zoey, trying to stop her. **ABBY** Zoey! Zoey, stop! Zoey, she’s a baby! You can’t! I won’t let you! She may be the reason Ender chose to break up with me, but I’m not gonna let you kill her! Susu reaches the edge of a nearby cliff, her breath coming in quick, frightened gasps. She turns around, shouting for help, as Zoey closes in, fury in her eyes. **SUSU** Somebody, please help! Zoey reaches her and steps on Susu’s foot, causing her to lose her balance. Susu slips, her hands scrambling to grab onto something to stop her fall. Just as she’s about to go over the edge, a strong hand grabs her wrist. **ENDER** *(determinedly)* Don’t worry, Susu. I’ve got you. Ender pulls Susu back up to safety, holding her close as she trembles in his arms. The sound of sirens fills the air as the police arrive, pulling Zoey away from the cliff’s edge and handcuffing her. **POLICE OFFICER** You’re under arrest. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Zoey glares at Susu, but there’s a hint of fear in her eyes now. As she’s led away by the police, Susu turns to Ender, her body still shaking from the adrenaline. **SUSU** Ender… thank you. Ender pulls her into a comforting embrace, holding her tightly. **ENDER** I’m just glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you. He gently brushes a tear from her cheek and looks into her eyes. **ENDER** Susu, I meant what I said earlier. I’ve liked you since the moment we met. I’ve just been too scared to tell you. Susu’s eyes well up with tears again, but this time they’re tears of relief and happiness. She nods, a small smile forming on her lips. **SUSU** I like you too, Ender. I’ve been too scared to tell you, too. Ender smiles, a wave of relief washing over him. He takes her hand, squeezing it gently. **ENDER** Would you… would you go out with me? Susu’s smile widens, her heart overflowing with joy. **SUSU** Yes, Ender. I’d love to. They share a tender moment, their feelings finally out in the open. As they walk away from the cliff, hand in hand, the night air feels a little warmer, and the future a little brighter. **FADE OUT.** With Dream Machine AI

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