It was early morning, a certain girl was getting ready to go to school when suddenly her mother knocked on the door: — Julie, are you ready yet? The bus is just a block away. — I'm just going to grab my backpack and go. — Okay... go with God, kiss! Julie ignores her and continues to get ready. After a while, she finally leaves the house, cautiously observing everything and everyone. She sees a black cat crossing her path, running as if it were fleeing. — Oops... — Are you okay? A tall man with dark hair and eyes like a black hole stared at her: — I'm fine... I think. — Are you going to stay there? — It's comfortable here. — Nice to meet you, Henrique. — Nice to meet you, Juliana. But you can call me Julie. — Beautiful name. It suits you. He shrugs and leaves. Julie returns home and sees a man in a black coat wearing a hood: — Princess... — Princess... His rough and frightening voice scares Julie. — Stop ignoring me, princess. She whispers, reading the paper. After reading, she throws the paper and stone away. When she suddenly wakes up from a nightmare and sees the boy from earlier: — Julie, right? — We're going to love each other forever. — I hate you. He stabs her again, realizing there's no chance of survival. (1 year later) Julia wakes up, she's still in her bed, but her house is in ruins: — What's happening? — Justice. — That she repeats. — Justice. She repeats, transforming into a demon: — I feel renewed. — Where's Henrique? — Let's play hide-and-seek. She approaches a woman who enters, eating all her flesh: — You? — I stopped the killing. — I've just begun. She approaches him. With Dream Machine AI