The Mask We Wear (Revised for 45–60 seconds) Opening Scene (0:00–0:15) Visual: The person looks at themselves in the mirror. They sigh and put on a smiling mask. Quick cuts to them laughing with friends, but the camera zooms in on the cracks forming on the mask. Voiceover/Text Overlay: "We all wear masks to hide how we truly feel. Sometimes, it’s easier than showing the pain inside." Middle Scene (0:15–0:40) Visual: As the person interacts with friends, the mask cracks further. Show flashes of them sitting alone at night, breaking down in tears. A concerned friend looks at them from a distance. Voiceover/Text Overlay: "But the weight of hiding can become unbearable." Cut to the friend approaching them, noticing the cracks in the mask. Ending Scene (0:40–0:60) Visual: The mask shatters as the friend sits beside them, listening with empathy. The person’s real emotions are visible, but they smile faintly, feeling understood. Voiceover/Text Overlay: "Be the person who notices. Be the person who cares." With Dream Machine AI

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