A grand, cinematic composition featuring the number "10" illuminated by a radiant golden light at its center. Surrounding the number are dynamic dragons with serpentine bodies, their movements fluid as they coil, flap their wings, and breathe streams of subtle embers into the glowing atmosphere. Ethereal angelic figures with glowing wings glide gracefully around the scene, their natural and realistic motion creating a harmonious interplay with the dragons. Clouds swirl gently, framing the central light, while glowing candles flicker steadily in the foreground, casting warm, shifting light. Particles of embers and golden dust float dynamically through the air, creating a sense of mystical energy and continuous motion throughout the scene. Unrealistic motion, cartoony motion, jerky or stiff dragon movements, disjointed or erratic wing flapping, static or chaotic ember effects, harsh or flickering light around the number "10," poorly synchronized angel movements, unnatural or abrupt cloud dynamics, overly exaggerated particle effects, inconsistent candle flickering, flat or unresponsive interactions between elements. With Dream Machine AI