Title: SkeleTonite! Scene 1: The Living Room (A cozy, modern living room. A young woman, MEGAN, early 20s, is curled up on the couch, scrolling on her phone. A sudden, deafening CRASH shakes the house. Megan screams and drops her phone.) MEGAN: (panicked) Earthquake? Godzilla? Oh no, did I leave the oven on again? (She cautiously approaches the source of the noise: a massive hole in the ceiling. A glowing skeleton, covered in mystical runes, lies sprawled on her rug. Its eye sockets emit a faint blue light. MEGAN stares in disbelief.) MEGAN: (to herself) Okay, Megan, you’ve officially lost it. Too much true crime before bed. SKELETON: (groaning) Ugh… Earth’s gravity is rude. MEGAN: (screaming) AHHHH! SKELETON: (sitting up, brushing plaster off itself) Oh, calm down. If I were going to kill you, I wouldn’t have knocked. MEGAN: (still screaming) AHHHHH! SKELETON: (holds up a bony hand) Okay, first of all, rude. Second, could you stop screaming? You’re gonna wake the neighbors. MEGAN: (pauses, breathless) You… you’re a talking skeleton. SKELETON: And you’re a human with questionable decor taste. (gestures to a "Live, Laugh, Love" sign on the wall) What is that even supposed to mean? MEGAN: (indignant) Hey, don’t judge my life choices! You’re the one who just Kool-Aid Man’d through my ceiling! SKELETON: (stands up, dusts off) Fair. I’m ZYRAXUS, former galactic warlock, now interdimensional hitchhiker. And you are? MEGAN: Megan. (beat) Galactic warlock? Is that like being a space wizard? ZYRAXUS: More like space’s most wanted. The runes? They’re mystical handcuffs. MEGAN: (snorts) So, you’re like a space criminal? ZYRAXUS: Allegedly. (grins) You’ve got a good sense of humor for someone hosting an extradimensional fugitive. MEGAN: (crossing arms) Hosting? Oh no. You’re leaving. Right now. ZYRAXUS: (sits on the couch) Hard pass. Your couch is comfy, and your fridge hums with the promise of snacks. MEGAN: (glares) It hums because it’s broken. ZYRAXUS: Even better. I like a fixer-upper. MEGAN: (throws hands up) What am I supposed to do with a glow-in-the-dark skeleton roommate? ZYRAXUS: (leans back, smug) Well, you could call NASA, but they’ll just dissect me. Or we could keep this between us, and I’ll… help around the house. MEGAN: (skeptical) Help how? ZYRAXUS: Cleaning? Cooking? Turning your ex-boyfriend into a frog? MEGAN: (grins despite herself) The frog thing is tempting… (Cue laugh track as the screen fades to black. Title card appears: SkeleTonite!.) END OF SCENE. With Dream Machine AI

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