Title: The Loner [OPENING SCENE] EXT. CITY RUINS - DAY The sky is a pale, muted gray with faint clouds. The sun is obscured, casting a soft but eerie light over the vast, decimated landscape. Broken buildings, burnt trees, and twisted metal line the horizon. In the middle of this chaos, the guitarist (bald-headed, fair-skinned, wearing jeans and a t-shirt) walks slowly, guitar slung across his back. There is an odd calm in the air, like the world is holding its breath. CAMERA CLOSES IN on his face as he walks through the rubble. His expression is serene, almost reflective. [MUSIC STARTS] (0:10-0:30) The music begins soft and haunting, a slow melody strummed on the guitar. The guitarist stops, pulls the guitar from his back, and starts to play. The wind gently blows dust around him, and small pieces of debris tumble in the background. [FOCUS SHOT] As the guitarist plays, his left eyebrow raises higher than the other for a few seconds, before calmly dropping back down. This happens as he hits a slow bend in the music, adding emphasis to the haunting feel. (0:30-1:00) LONG SHOT of the guitarist walking again. His steps are measured, slow, as if he’s in no hurry. He plays as he walks, and the world around him seems both peaceful and broken. A wide, half-collapsed nuclear plant is seen far off in the background, towering over the ruins. CAMERA PANS to show empty cars, some overturned, some half-buried in ash. The streets are cracked, with pools of stagnant water reflecting the muted sky. The guitarist continues to play, completely absorbed in his music. (1:00-1:30) MID-SHOT of the guitarist standing on a large pile of rubble. His jeans are dusty, and his t-shirt slightly torn. The melody shifts slightly, becoming more emotional as the camera zooms in on his hands as they skillfully move along the strings. His left eyebrow raises again, this time for a little longer, as the emotion of the music crescendos for a moment before returning to calm. (1:30-2:30) LONG SHOT as the guitarist continues walking through the ruins, passing landmarks that are now barely recognizable— an old ferris wheel lies crumpled in the distance, the skeletal remains of a stadium loom nearby. He walks past an old TV that flickers with static before going dark. [FOCUS SHOT] A wide shot of the guitarist playing on top of a cracked bridge. The bridge connects two ruined parts of the city, stretching over a dried riverbed filled with debris. As he plays, the camera zooms in again on his face, and for the third time, his left eyebrow raises and lowers, almost in sync with the music’s rhythm. (2:30-3:00) The camera follows the guitarist’s fingers plucking the strings as the music becomes soft and almost whisper-like, with the sound blending into the quiet of the post-apocalyptic world. MID-SHOT as he walks by a shattered, graffiti-covered wall. The graffiti says, “Hope is still alive.” He glances at it but doesn’t stop. (3:00-4:00) WIDE SHOT as the music reaches its final, slow notes. The guitarist walks to the top of a hill made of rubble. He stops, gazes at the setting sun behind the ruins, and plays the final few chords. His left eyebrow raises one last time as the final note lingers in the air. The wind blows gently, the city lies in ruins, but there is a strange sense of peace as he stands alone, a lone figure in the calm after the storm. FADE OUT The screen fades to black as the music trails off, leaving the world in silence. TEXT ON SCREEN: "After the storm... music survives... The Loner... by Wa Mullen." [END] With Dream Machine AI

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