Title: "Bank Adventures with Benny and Bella!" Characters: Benny the Bunny: Curious and energetic bunny. Bella the Bee: Wise and friendly bee. Mr. Owl: The knowledgeable bank manager. Scene 1: Introduction (Cheerful music plays. Benny and Bella are playing in a garden.) Benny: (Excited) Hey Bella, do you know what a bank is? Bella: (Smiling) Sure, Benny! A bank is a special place where people keep their money safe. Would you like to learn more? Benny: (Nods eagerly) Yes, please! Let’s go on an adventure! Scene 2: Outside the Bank (Benny and Bella arrive at a big, colorful building with a sign that says "BANK".) Bella: Here we are, Benny! This is a bank. Let's go inside and meet Mr. Owl. Scene 3: Inside the Bank (Inside the bank, they are greeted by Mr. Owl. The bank is full of friendly animal customers.) Mr. Owl: (Waving) Hello, Benny and Bella! Welcome to our bank. How can I help you today? With Dream Machine AI