**Title:** The Tragic Fall of Isak Andic in Collbató **Description:** The founder and president of Mango, Isak Andic, tragically passed away at the age of 71 after slipping on a mountain trail in Collbató, Barcelona. Accompanied by his wife and son, Andic fell from a height of 150 meters while exploring the Montserrat caves. Despite the efforts of emergency services, his life could not be saved. The news has shocked the business community and generated numerous reactions of condolence and recognition of his legacy. **Instructions for Sora:** 1. **Context:** Provide a brief summary of Isak Andic's life and achievements, highlighting his role in founding and growing Mango. 2. **Details of the Accident:** Describe the circumstances of the accident, including the location, the height of the fall, and the rescue efforts. 3. **Reactions:** Include quotes and reactions from prominent figures and organizations expressing their sorrow over Andic's loss. 4. **Legacy:** Reflect on Andic's impact on the fashion industry and his contribution to business development in Spain. **Example Output:** Isak Andic, co-founder of Mango, passed away in a tragic accident in Collbató. At the age of 71, Andic was exploring the Montserrat caves when he slipped and fell from a height of 150 meters. Despite the efforts of emergency services, his life could not be saved. The news has generated a wave of condolences and recognition of his legacy in the fashion industry. **References:** - [El Mundo](https://www.elmundo.es/economia/empresas/2024/12/14/675da6a9e4d4d88e128b456f.html) With Dream Machine AI

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