Scene Description: Location: Inside the cockpit of a TBF Avenger bomber. Camera View: A close-up shot of the pilot from the side or over-the-shoulder. The pilot's focused expression is clearly visible. Pilot Details: The pilot is wearing a 1940s-era flight helmet and goggles, sitting upright, and gripping the control stick with both hands. His face is tense, eyes fixed on the instrument panel. Instrument Panel: The cockpit has vintage dials, gauges, switches, and a control stick. The instruments include speedometer, altimeter, compass, and navigation tools. The initial readings show normal functioning. Outside the Window: Through the cockpit window, the sky is clear and blue with scattered clouds, creating a peaceful contrast to the tense pilot's expression. Lighting: Soft light coming through the cockpit window, casting a natural glow on the pilot’s face and the instrument panel. Camera Movement: Primary Action: The camera should start from a slightly wide shot, capturing both the pilot’s face and the cockpit interior. Then, it should slowly move in to focus on the instrument panel, while maintaining the pilot's focused expression. Camera Track: The camera should subtly zoom in to the instrument panel as the pilot adjusts the controls, then gently move back out to reveal more of the cockpit. The shot should feel smooth and gradual, emphasizing the pilot’s concentration. Key Atmosphere: The atmosphere is calm and normal, with the pilot in control of the plane. The setting should evoke a sense of steadiness and concentration. With Dream Machine AI

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