Scene Description: Location: Close-up of the instrument panel in the cockpit. Camera View: Focus on the various instruments, such as the speedometer, altimeter, compass, and other critical gauges. The camera should zoom in on the instruments and capture their reaction. Instrument Changes: The gauges are jittering and showing abnormal readings: The compass needle swings erratically, indicating a malfunction in navigation. The altimeter’s needle jumps, indicating an unsteady altitude. The speedometer fluctuates unpredictably, showing spikes and dips. Lighting: The dashboard is dimly lit, with a slight glow from the instrument lights. The dim lighting emphasizes the malfunctioning instruments, making the scene feel tense and foreboding. Background: Through the cockpit window, the outside sky is slightly clouded, with a subtle shift toward a more ominous, gray tone, hinting at the coming turbulence. Camera Movement: Primary Action: Start with a focused shot on the instruments, slowly panning across the gauges to capture the abnormal behavior. The camera should move from the speedometer to the altimeter, focusing on each gauge as the readings fluctuate. Camera Track: The camera can slightly shake to emphasize the malfunctioning instruments. A slow, steady zoom-in on the most erratic gauge should heighten the tension. Key Atmosphere: The scene should be tense, with the malfunctioning instruments foreshadowing impending trouble. The malfunctioning gauges create an unsettling sense of loss of control. With Dream Machine AI