This is for an upcoming Mickey Mouse horror thriller drama slasher mystery television series on Fox and produced by Blumhouse Television. The series is called Toon Town Terror. This is the script: [0:00 - 0:15] (Upbeat music plays. Colorful animation of Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pluto, and Goofy dancing and laughing together) Mickey Mouse: (excitedly) Oh boy, oh boy! It's time for some fun in the sun! Minnie Mouse: (giggling) I've got my favorite bow on, and I'm ready for adventure! Pluto: (barks happily) Goofy: (goofily) Gawrsh, let's get this party started! [0:16 - 0:30] (Music abruptly stops. Animation distorts and darkens. The camera zooms out to reveal a creepy, abandoned theme park) Narrator (in a deep, ominous voice): In a place where dreams come true, a nightmare is born. [0:31 - 0:45] (The camera pans across the desolate park, showing rusted attractions and overgrown vegetation) Narrator: A figure, familiar yet twisted, stalks the shadows. [0:46 - 1:00] (Quick cuts of a masked killer, dressed as Mickey Mouse, lurking in the darkness) Narrator: With a smile that hides the evil within, terror reigns supreme. [1:01 - 1:15] (The camera lingers on a gruesome murder scene, with a victim wearing Mickey Mouse ears) Narrator: In a world where fantasy and reality collide, the horrors of Toon Town come alive. [1:16 - 1:30] (Title card: "Toon Town Terror") Narrator: From Blumhouse Television and Fox, comes a horror series that will haunt your dreams. [1:31 - 1:45] (Quick cuts of the series' dark and twisted themes) Narrator: Join us, if you dare, in... "Toon Town Terror". The terror begins in 2026. [1:46 - 2:00] (Title card and "2026" appear on screen) Narrator: "Toon Town Terror" - a terrifying new series, premiering 2026 on Fox. The wait begins... With Dream Machine AI