Bright and colorful animated world The screen is filled with cheerful colors as we zoom into a magical forest made of candy and chocolate. Close-up of a smiling, energetic child holding a pack of Choco Peels The child opens a bag of Choco Peels, revealing the colorful, natural fruit peel-shaped chocolate treats. Animated fruit characters appear and dance around Lively fruit characters—like a happy orange, cheerful strawberry, and a playful apple—pop out of the package, dancing around the child. A group of children laughing, sharing Choco Peels with each other The children sit around a picnic table, enjoying Choco Peels together, laughing, and sharing the treats. A gentle breeze blows as they take a bite. Close-up of a child taking a bite, eyes lighting up with delight The child takes a bite, and their eyes widen in excitement as the taste is revealed. Their face lights up with joy. A rainbow sparkles in the sky, showing the product packaging front and center The rainbow leads to the Choco Peels logo, with colorful fruit peels around the edges. Kids laughing and playing in the background The children are happily running and playing, with Choco Peels in hand. With Dream Machine AI