The saci is a young black man with only one leg, wearing a hood over his head that grants him magical powers. Regarding this last character, it is worth noting that, in Roman mythology, Petronius recorded in the Satyricon, whose cap also granted powers to the incubus and rewards to whoever captured it. He is considered a playful figure who has fun with animals and people, playing small pranks that create domestic difficulties, or scaring night travelers with his whistles – quite high-pitched and impossible to locate. Thus, he braids the hair of animals, after tiring them out with running; he interferes with the work of cooks, making them burn the food, or even putting salt in the sugar containers or vice versa; or travelers get lost on the roads. He is also attributed the ability to be carried by whirlwinds. Brazilian stamp from 1974 depicting Saci to promote Brazilian legends. The myth has existed since at least the end of the 18th century or the beginning of the 19th century. With Dream Machine AI

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