The Brave Little Squirrel Once upon a time in a vast, green forest, there lived a little squirrel named Sammy. Sammy was smaller than all the other squirrels, and they often teased him for being so tiny. But Sammy had a big heart and a curious mind. One sunny morning, a loud commotion broke out near the big oak tree. The animals discovered that a strong wind had blown a baby bird out of its nest, and it was now stuck on a low branch, too scared to move. The nest was too high for most animals to reach, and everyone was worried. Sammy stepped forward. "I’ll help the baby bird," he said confidently. The other animals laughed. "You’re too small, Sammy! What can you do?" But Sammy didn’t let their words stop him. He scampered up the tree, using his tiny size to squeeze through narrow branches that bigger animals couldn’t. With determination, he reached the baby bird and gently carried it back to its nest. When Sammy climbed down, the animals cheered. "You’re not just brave, Sammy—you’re a hero!" From that day on, no one teased Sammy about his size. Instead, they admired him for his courage and kindness. And Sammy? He kept being the brave little squirrel who always believed in himself. The end. With Dream Machine AI

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