Project Title: Romantic Interlocking Mugs Animation Overview: I need a short animated video (15-30 seconds) featuring two mugs with interlocking handles. The animation should have a romantic and whimsical tone, with the mugs "dancing" to a romantic song before ending in their interlocked position. Script Details: Scene 1: The Introduction Two mugs appear facing each other on a neutral or romantic-themed background (e.g., soft pink gradient or candlelit table). Subtle swaying or bouncing to the rhythm of a soft, romantic song. Scene 2: The Dance The mugs move closer to each other, performing simple and synchronized dance movements (e.g., side-to-side sways, hops, or spins). The animation should feel playful yet elegant, as if the mugs are "courting" one another. Scene 3: The Spin One mug gently spins the other (imagine one handle lightly nudging the other to twirl). The spinning mug elegantly completes the twirl and moves closer to the first mug. Scene 4: The Finale The two mugs come together in their interlocking position. Add a glowing effect or subtle sparkle around the mugs as they lock into place, symbolizing unity and love. End with a close-up of the interlocked mugs, accompanied by a brief text overlay (optional): “Perfectly Paired. Side by side; Heart to Heart” With Dream Machine AI