--- Title: "The Silent Awakening" It’s a dark, eerie night inside a cold hospital morgue. Rows of bodies lie motionless, covered in white sheets. The atmosphere is suffocatingly silent. Suddenly, a creepy girl with long, flowing hair, wearing a white dress, slowly enters the scene. She moves quietly, her steps slow and deliberate, as if floating through the room. Her face is expressionless, except for a chilling smile that spreads across her lips. As she walks closer to the bodies, her hair sways, brushing the floor, and her eyes gleam with a sinister intent. The camera follows her as she passes each body. Creepy Girl (in a whisper): "Wake up… it's time." One by one, the bodies under the white sheets begin to stir. Slowly, the sheets shift, and each corpse starts to rise, their eyes opening in unison as they follow her presence. The girl’s smile widens as she continues walking through the ward, her long hair trailing behind her. Creepy Girl (softly laughing): "You're all coming with me…" The camera zooms out as the girl walks deeper into the morgue, with the corpses rising behind her, creating a haunting procession. The screen fades to black. --- This 30-second script is designed to create a chilling atmosphere with a creepy girl leading the rising bodies, perfect for a short and eerie video. With Dream Machine AI

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