Transform this cyberpunk-inspired gang of anthropomorphic dogs into a vivid animation. The leader walks forward slowly with a commanding presence, their glowing eyes scanning the surroundings as the neon signs behind them flicker and pulse. The gang members in the background adjust their positions, gripping their weapons confidently, with subtle motions like cocking their guns or exchanging glances. Add a cinematic rain effect, with raindrops bouncing off their leather jackets and creating shimmering ripples in the glowing puddles. Include swirling fog that reacts to their movements, parting as they step through. The neon graffiti on the walls subtly animates, shifting colors and shapes, adding a surreal edge. For added intensity, showcase slow-motion sequences of the leader raising their weapon, followed by dynamic camera angles that pan around the group. Enhance the atmosphere with faint city sounds: distant sirens, a buzzing streetlamp, and the soft patter of rain. Highlight the glow of the gang's weapons as they briefly charge up, casting vibrant reflections in their surroundings, and end with them taking a synchronized step forward, their silhouettes illuminated against the neon backdrop." This will make the animation stunning, cinematic, and full of life while emphasizing their edgy and rebellious vibe With Dream Machine AI