"A humorous and surreal scene featuring Cristiano Ronaldo working as a waiter in a bustling fast food restaurant. Ronaldo is wearing a pristine red and white uniform with a neatly tied apron bearing the restaurant’s logo. He is holding a silver tray stacked with burgers, fries, and sodas, attempting to balance it skillfully while dribbling a soccer ball with his foot. His iconic focused expression is mixed with slight amusement as he tries not to drop the food. The restaurant interior is lively, with neon signs advertising meals, colorful menu boards, and cheerful customers seated at round booths and tables. In the background, a child is pointing at Ronaldo excitedly, while another customer takes a photo with their phone. The restaurant has a warm, vibrant ambiance, with playful details like ketchup bottles and fries spilling onto tables. Ronaldo’s posture exudes confidence, even in the midst of the chaos, as he combines his athletic skills with his temporary role as a waiter." With Dream Machine AI