Create a time-lapse animation of a young man named Gregory over 10 years. Gregory starts as a 20-year-old with an enthusiastic expression, dressed casually in a plain white T-shirt and jeans, and standing in a modest modern room (e.g., a student’s room with a laptop). Over time, his appearance and surroundings change to reflect success: he becomes a 28-year-old, looking happy and confident, dressed in a button-up shirt, in a luxurious modern office. Finally, he transitions into his 30s, appearing sad and defeated, dressed in a worn-out hoodie, sitting in a dark and messy space with a frustrated expression. The background evolves subtly with his mood. Ensure smooth morphing transitions between stages to show the passage of time. Focus on realistic facial emotions, wardrobe changes, and lighting shifts to emphasize emotional evolution. With Dream Machine AI