In the town of Wielkie Zdrój lives a seemingly ordinary family: The *Jagusiaks*. In their bunkhouse in the suburbs, life goes on peacefully, but no one knows that they are.... superheroes. Each of them has a special power, although not all of them value it equally. The youngest in the family, *Kostek*, is incredibly fast. He is only ten years old, but he runs faster than sound. He loves to use his power to pull pranks. He can run into the kitchen, roll up a cookie and be back in front of the TV before anyone realizes. For Kostek, his speed is the most fun in the world. *Damian*, Kostek's dad, is a classic example of a “super-swimmer.” His muscles could lift a truck, and if he wanted to, he could move mountains. Often, instead of a car, Damian chooses to run with his son on his back to school, because, after all, for a super-dad it's no problem! In contrast, *Mom Eve* is seemingly the most ordinary in the family. Her power is mind-reading, which, according to her son, is “terribly boring.” Kostek thinks this is not a “real” superpower at all. How can you play with it? Well, that's right, boring! With Dream Machine AI

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