The scene begins in a dense forest at night, with a wide view of a star-filled sky. The stars are twinkling like distant points of light, but one star stands out, glowing brighter than the others. The camera starts to zoom in slowly on this star. As the camera approaches, the speed of the zoom gradually increases, passing through distant planets and stars, moving closer and closer towards the bright star. This star is revealed to be a quasar — a brilliant and powerful celestial object, emitting intense light and energy. The quasar appears as a luminous core surrounded by swirling energy, emitting radiant beams in all directions. As the camera gets closer, the quasar's immense power becomes more apparent, with jets of high-energy particles shooting out from its core. Eventually, the quasar shoots a blinding beam of light directly towards the camera, filling the screen with a flash of intense white light, overwhelming the scene and turning everything completely white With Dream Machine AI