Title: She Used to Be My Good Girl Written by: Rodney King INT. APARTMENT – NIGHT The room is dimly lit. RODNEY (Black, mid-30s, charismatic but weary) sits alone at a cluttered table, a half-empty glass of whiskey in hand. On the table lies a crumpled photo of him and LIZZY (White, late 20s, beautiful but with a manipulative air). The sound of rain patters against the window. RODNEY(voiceover, reflective)She used to be my good girl. My light in the dark. We were fire… burning bright. Left our mark. He picks up the photo, staring at it for a long moment before angrily tossing it aside. FLASHBACK – EXT. PARK – DAY Rodney and Lizzy laugh together, running through a sunlit park. Lizzy jumps onto Rodney’s back, and they both fall into the grass, laughing. The world feels alive and hopeful. LIZZYYou’re my everything, Rodney. Promise me it’ll always be like this. RODNEYI promise. They kiss passionately as the screen fades back to the present. INT. APARTMENT – NIGHT Rodney clenches his fists. His voiceover continues. RODNEYBut promises are fragile. Lies cut so deep. You shattered the love I wanted to keep. With Dream Machine AI

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