In a magical, high-resolution world, a vast landscape stretches out in sharp, realistic detail. In the background, a majestic rainbow waterfall cascades over glittering rocks, creating a crystal-clear lake that reflects the golden light of the surroundings. Ahead, an immense field of vibrant flowers spreads to the horizon, their petals shimmering and changing color with the touch of the wind. Fantasy animals inhabit the scene: unicorns with luminous manes run freely, winged rabbits hop among the flowers, and glowing squirrels play in the branches of magical trees. Fairies with translucent wings float in the air, leaving trails of golden dust that softly illuminate the surroundings. In the center of the field, the girl stands in the distance, watching in wonder. She is wearing a pastel blue dress with gold details and layered ruffles, her brown hair tied in two buns adorned with light blue bows. Despite her distance, her figure is clear, perfectly integrated into the scene. The sky, filled with vivid stars and cotton-candy-soft clouds, adds depth to the scene, while every detail—from the flowers to the animals—is vibrant, clear, and harmonious, without distortion or blur. With Dream Machine AI

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