"An epic battle unfolds on the frozen plains of Glaciara. Crylodian soldiers, towering crystalline beings, stand firm in shimmering ice armor, their jagged, glowing bodies refracting light like prisms. They wield radiant weapons forged from frozen light, emitting beams of pure energy as they charge. Opposing them, the shadow-bound soldiers of Umbraxis surge forward, their forms amorphous and flickering, radiating an unnatural darkness. The icy ground beneath the combatants cracks and fractures, with shadowy tendrils snaking through the fissures, corrupting the once-pristine land. The sky above is split by a massive swirling rift, pouring out more shadow forces as beams of Crylodian light clash against the overwhelming void. The air is filled with chaos—light colliding with shadow in an intense, apocalyptic struggle." With Dream Machine AI