Title: "The Case of the Missing Colors" Characters: Toby the Chameleon - a cheerful chameleon who teaches kids about colors. Bella the Bee - a clever bee who helps solve mysteries. Shadow the Sneaky Crow - a crow who accidentally stole the colors. Scene 1: Introduction (30 seconds) Background: A sunny morning in the Magical Forest. Everything is in black and white. Narrator (warm voice): "Something strange has happened in the Magical Forest. All the colors... are gone!" Toby (surprised, looking at his gray body): "What’s going on?! I’m a chameleon with no colors! I need to fix this!" Bella (buzzing in, flapping her wings): "Don’t worry, Toby! We’ll find your colors. Let’s hurry!" Scene 2: Tracking the Colors (1 minute) Background: The forest with empty, black-and-white trees. Toby (inspecting footprints on the ground): "Hmm, these look like claw marks... It’s someone who loves shiny things!" Bella: "A crow! It must be Shadow! He loves taking things that don’t belong to him!" Animation: Shadow’s silhouette is seen in the background, stacking colors into a big rainbow pile in his nest. Music: A playful, suspenseful tune. Bella (determined): "Let’s go! We need to get those colors back before the whole forest stays sad!" Scene 3: The Solution (1 minute) Background: Shadow’s nest, where the crow admires his collection. Shadow (sheepishly): "Oh! I thought these were magical treasures. I didn’t know they were the forest’s colors!" Toby: "Colors are for everyone! Please, give them back." Animation: Shadow flaps his wings, releasing the colors into the air. They return to the forest, painting it with vibrant hues. Song (sung by all characters): "Colors bright, shining through, Red and yellow, green and blue! Sharing colors, what a sight, Makes the world so full of light!" Scene 4: Conclusion (30 seconds) Background: The Magical Forest, now full of colors. Narrator: "And so, the Magical Forest became colorful again, thanks to Toby, Bella, and Shadow’s teamwork." Toby: "Teamwork is the best way to solve problems!" Bella: "And sharing is always in style!" Animation: All characters wave at the audience. On the screen, the text appears: "See you next time for another adventure with Toby and Bella!" With Dream Machine AI