Title: “Smart Money Moves Over Coffee” Opening Scene • Setting: A cozy cafe shop with a warm ambiance. Soft chatter and light background music. • Characters: • Alex: A mid-20s professional, curious about improving finances. • Jordan: A financially savvy peer, ready to share tips. Script [Scene 1: Establishing Shot] • Camera pans across the cafe, focusing on Alex and Jordan seated at a corner table, coffee mugs in hand. Alex: “I’ve been thinking a lot about how to get better with my finances lately. It feels like there’s so much to learn, but I don’t even know where to start.” Jordan: “Totally get that! I felt the same way. But once you start breaking it down, it’s not as overwhelming as it seems.” [Scene 2: Mid-Shot Conversation] Alex: “Okay, so where did you start? Budgeting? Investments? Debt?” Jordan: “For me, it started with budgeting. I started using the 50/30/20 rule—50% of my income goes to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings or paying off debt.” Alex: “That makes sense. But what about saving for big goals, like buying a house?” Jordan: “Great question! For big goals, I opened a high-yield savings account. It’s amazing how much interest adds up over time compared to a regular account.” [Scene 3: Close-Up on Alex] Alex: “That sounds smart. What about investments? Should I get into that now, or wait?” Jordan: “Definitely start now, even if it’s small. Look into index funds—they’re low-risk and grow steadily over time. Plus, compound interest is your best friend when you start early.” [Scene 4: Wide Shot - Wrapping Up] Alex: “Thanks, Jordan. This has been so helpful! I think I’ll start with budgeting and open that savings account this weekend.” Jordan: “Anytime! Let’s check in a month from now and see how it’s going.” [Both laugh and clink coffee mugs.] Closing Scene • Text overlay: “Start small, stay consistent, and watch your money grow!” • Background music fades as the video ends with a wide shot of the cafe. With Dream Machine AI