[00:00 - 00:05] Introduction: Visual: A welcoming introduction screen with vibrant colors and dynamic graphics. Text Overlay: "Welcome to our quick and effective 2-Minute Glute Workout. Let's get started!" Music: Upbeat and energetic background music. Transition: Fade into the first exercise scene. [00:06 - 00:45] Exercise 1: Glute Bridges Visual: Dynamic camera movements capturing the instructor lying on their back, feet flat on the floor, knees bent. Wide Shot: Instructor in starting position. Side Angle: Close-up of hip movement. Overhead Shot: Emphasizing the full range of motion. Text Overlay: "Glute Bridges" "Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor." "Lift your hips towards the ceiling, squeezing your glutes at the top." "Lower your hips back down and repeat." Timer: On-screen timer counting down 40 seconds. Music: Energetic and motivating. [00:46 - 01:25] Exercise 2: Donkey Kicks Visual: Close-up shots of the instructor on all fours, performing donkey kicks. Front Angle: Starting position. Side Angle: Leg extension and retraction. Dynamic Movement: Emphasizing form and technique. Text Overlay: "Donkey Kicks" "Start on all fours." "Kick one leg back and up, keeping the knee bent." "Return to the starting position and repeat." Timer: On-screen timer counting down 20 seconds per leg. Music: Consistently energetic. [01:26 - 02:05] Exercise 3: Squat Pulses Visual: Wide-angle shot of the instructor performing squat pulses. Full Body Shot: Emphasizing posture. Close-Up: Feet placement and knee movement. Dynamic Angles: Focus on the glute engagement. Text Overlay: "Squat Pulses" "Stand with feet shoulder-width apart." "Lower into a squat position." "Pulse up and down, staying low." "Focus on keeping your weight in your heels." Timer: On-screen timer counting down 40 seconds. Music: Continuously energetic to keep the momentum. [02:06 - 02:20] Tips for Optimal Results Visual: Transition to a static screen with calm, soothing graphics. Text Overlay: "Tips for Optimal Results:" "1. Engage your core throughout the exercises." "2. Maintain proper form to prevent injury." "3. Breathe steadily and deeply." "4. Stay hydrated." Music: Background music transitions to a more relaxed tone. [02:21 - 02:30] Conclusion Visual: Closing screen with upbeat and encouraging graphics. Text Overlay: "Great job! Remember to stay consistent and keep challenging yourself. See you in the next workout!" Music: Upbeat and motivating, ending on a high note. Transition: Fade out to the end screen. With Dream Machine AI

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