"A 4K cinematic video of Marcus, a wiry Nigerian man in his 20s, sprinting through a crowded Lagos alleyway, pursued closely by Agent Tina, a tough Nigerian woman in her early 40s. The camera follows the intense chase with dynamic tracking shots, capturing Marcus weaving through colorful stalls and narrowly dodging startled street vendors. Tina barrels through with unyielding determination, her gaze locked on her target. The alley is alive with vibrant Nigerian life—vendors shouting, goods tumbling, and pedestrians scrambling to avoid the chaos. Motion blur accentuates their speed, with close-ups of Marcus's panicked face and Tina’s relentless focus. The camera occasionally cuts to wide shots of the narrow, sunlit alley, showcasing its vibrant colors and textured walls, before returning to the heart-pounding action. The scene is accompanied by the clatter of footsteps, shouts, and the atmospheric sounds of the Lagos marketplace." With Dream Machine AI