Video Title: "Success Starts With These 3 Habits!" --- Script for a 60-Second Short [Opening – 0:00–0:10] Voice Over (Strong Male Voice): "Want to change your life? Start with these three habits." Visuals: Sunrise over a mountain. A person tying their running shoes. Text Overlay: "3 Habits for Success!" [Habit 1 – 0:10–0:25] Voice Over: "Wake up early. Control your mornings, and you'll control your life." Visuals: A person journaling and sipping coffee during sunrise. Text Overlay: "Habit 1: Own Your Morning." [Habit 2 – 0:25–0:40] Voice Over: "Practice gratitude. Focus on what you have, not what you lack." Visuals: A person smiling, writing in a gratitude journal. Text Overlay: "Habit 2: Be Grateful." [Habit 3 – 0:40–0:55] Voice Over: "Take action daily. Even small steps lead to big changes." Visuals: A climber scaling a mountain, a student working late at night. Text Overlay: "Habit 3: Take Action." [Closing – 0:55–1:00] Voice Over: "Change your habits, change your life. Start today." Visuals: A person standing triumphantly on a mountain peak. Text Overlay: "Follow InspireSpire for Daily Motivation!" Music: Epic, uplifting cinematic track. With Dream Machine AI