THE ARRIVAL OF THE  AFRICAN SPIDERMAN: In the bustling city of lagos in Nigeria, there were a lot of people as we see them in their moving cars, buses, lorries motorcycles, and motortricycles. A truck was carrying a lot of artifacts collided with another truck and the other truck exploded. Another car which is nearby them also exploded and rolled up high in the air and landed in the filling station. Some people are trapped in a Toyota jeep. There are father, mother, two daughters, a son and a driver in the Jeep. They were surrounded by the burning vehicles in circular form. Fire is getting closer to them. The father was calling for help. The mother was crying as well as the children. The driver is outside the jeep, running here and there, not knowing what to do. African Spiderman is seen sprawling his web in the city of lagos, spinning his cord with his both legs and hands, strategically moving about the city, dodging one skyscraping building or another far away in the sky while people who are in the cars and on the bikes and so on watch him with wonders. Some people pointed at him also. Let's see some people on the roads, in the automobiles and on the motorcycles and on the motorized tricycles. Let's see private cars and Jeeps in the scene. Let's see some commercial buses and cars in the scene. Let's see some motorized tricycles are commonly called "Keke NAPEP" or simply "Keke." In the scene too. The Toyota Jeep caught fire. The spiderman landed around the Toyota Jeep, he spinned his web at the Jeep and take off with it. He dropped the Jeep into the river to quench the fire and then brought it out again using his his cord from his both hands while he is sticking his feet against a tall building. With Dream Machine AI

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