An ultra-detailed, cinematic animation of a futuristic spacecraft interior glowing with soft pink and purple ambient lights. The camera begins with a slow, sweeping dolly shot, panning across the sleek, minimalistic interior, highlighting holographic controls and advanced technology panels. It zooms in to reveal a 12-year-old Black boy with rich, smooth dark chocolate skin and a nearly bald haircut. He is dressed in exotic animal furs and skins adorned with shimmering, otherworldly jewels that catch and reflect the interior lights, emphasizing his mystique and immense wealth. The camera slowly transitions to an over-the-shoulder shot as the boy approaches a large, curved window. Outside, an alien jungle planet is revealed, glowing in surreal shades of pink, with swirling clouds and glowing terrain. The camera focuses on the boy’s expression, capturing his awe and determination, before panning to the faint glow of the futuristic sword he holds at his side. A final wide shot reveals the entire scene: the boy silhouetted against the breathtaking alien planet, with the ambient lights casting a soft glow around him. With Dream Machine AI