Generate a super-fast, fully animated 10-minute short film titled Chernobyl: A Minecraft Story. The film should dramatize the events of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986 in a Minecraft-style world. Use pixelated characters, blocky environments, and immersive storytelling to educate and engage the audience. Key Instructions: 1. Speed: Generate the video as quickly as possible without compromising on storytelling or quality. 2. Scenes: Introduction (0:00 - 1:30): Show a peaceful Minecraft-style version of Pripyat with villagers and the massive Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Add a narrator to explain the setting: 'Welcome to Pripyat, 1986. This was a thriving city with thousands of residents, but it became the site of one of the worst nuclear disasters in history.' How the Reactor Works (1:30 - 3:30): Animate and explain the inner workings of a nuclear reactor in Minecraft style. Include visuals of uranium fuel rods, control rods, water cooling systems, and turbines. Narrator explains: 'Inside the reactor, uranium fuel rods create heat through nuclear fission. This heat turns water into steam, which spins turbines to generate electricity. Control rods help manage the reaction, and water prevents overheating.' The Safety Test and Explosion (3:30 - 6:00): Depict engineers Alex and Bob, alongside Supervisor Ivan, disabling safety systems for a late-night test. Show rising power levels on screens and visual cues of overheating. Include alarms, flashing red lights, and dialogue: Alex: 'Power levels are spiking out of control!' Ivan: 'Shut it down, now!' Animate Reactor 4 exploding, with fire, smoke, and debris scattering across the Minecraft-style landscape. Narrator explains: 'A flawed reactor design and operational errors caused an uncontrollable surge in power, leading to a catastrophic explosion.' With Dream Machine AI