Animated: Title: Finally, Rest Opening Scene The sun is setting over a small city. The streets are busy with people rushing home. We see the young boy, Malik, about 13 years old, walking slowly home from his part-time job. His afro bounces lightly as he walks, his small hoop earrings catching the fading sunlight. He’s carrying a backpack and looks tired but content. INT. MALIK’S HOME - EVENING Malik enters a modest apartment. His mom, MRS. JOHNSON, is cooking dinner. The aroma of seasoned vegetables and baked bread fills the air. Mrs. Johnson: Welcome home, baby. How was work? Malik (dropping his bag by the door): Tiring, Mama. But good. I couldn’t stop thinking about tomorrow. Mrs. Johnson (smiling knowingly): The Sabbath. It’s your favorite day, isn’t it? Malik: It’s not just my favorite, Mama. It’s the best day. After all this running around, I get to rest, really rest. And we get to learn more about God together. Mrs. Johnson sets the table and motions for Malik to sit down. He hesitates for a moment, glancing at his Bible on the shelf. Mrs. Johnson: Go ahead, son. I know you want to get a head start. Dinner can wait a few minutes. Malik grabs his Bible and sits at the table, flipping through the pages excitedly. Malik: Mama, did you know Isaiah said, “If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and do not go your own way, then you will find joy in the Lord”? I read it during my break today. Mrs. Johnson (nodding): That’s Isaiah 58:13-14. A powerful reminder. It’s not just about resting; it’s about delighting in Him. Malik: Exactly. I feel like all week I’m just trying to survive, but on the Sabbath, I can breathe, pray, and really listen to God. INT. MALIK’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Later that evening, Malik is in his room. He’s lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling, earbuds in. A calm, instrumental worship song plays softly. Malik (voiceover): It’s like the whole week builds up to this. Six days of working, running, and doing what I have to do. But tomorrow, it’s not about what I have to do. It’s about what I get to do. Rest. Worship. Learn. He closes his eyes, a small smile on his face With Dream Machine AI

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